Stock code:  32
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INTENDED USE: Swimming Pool Disinfectant, drinking water disinfectant, utility water disinfectant

It is used in indoor and outdoor swimming pools as a pool water disinfectant, massage pool disinfectant (SPA), to eliminate bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and microorganisms, organic and inorganic pollution and SHOCK chlorination (chlorine shock) of pool water.

CHC 65 Calcium Hypochlorite Powder chlorine without stabilizer is used as a very strong, drinking water disinfectant and utility water disinfectant.

It is often preferred due to its high concentration and long life.

It is a fast dissolving, Stabilizer-free (CYA) biocidal product with 65-70 percent active chlorine content.

Its equivalent calcium process (calcium) is much more pure and effective than products produced.

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